Speck in the eye
Monday, July 10, 2006
  emo person
these few weeks i realize, i have been very emo.
things that i have gone through, has not been so easy on me.

am tryin to get back to God, reali.
Home is in the Lord, so God, i am on the way home!

seriously lah...
i wish for a shoulder to lean, cry on... thats all
dont any how think.. i am open to both sexes hor.

am sick right now.
pray that i would get well soon.

why do tears come so easily?... gosh.. i think i am getting really too emo already. darn.

p.s Ge, thanks for the choc corissants... they are really yummy. love eating em lots
Hey! cheer up!
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There is a speck in everyone's eye, its just whether we realize it or not

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