Speck in the eye
Sunday, July 29, 2007
  learn from a friend :P
i learn from my good friend :P
who has this tendency to BLOG when have important/ stress stuff coming....

too bad my blog has got no comments option yet
dont feel like thinking about the coding now
will figure something out, some code, etc ... soon :P
but.. would have NO tagboard
that thing is quite depressing sometimes

i wanna thank some friends for being online right now
when am at this last lap of FYP
they may not know it, but just by them being online is such a good thing
just by chatting keeps me awake, and happy
these people are: Shafiquah, Ivan, Ah Bau, Josh

Am quite caffeine High
drank 3 cups of coffee
Jas had to tell me to stop
tomorrow is going to be fun!
Going out shopping with people like Jas

Ok ...
am going to get back to work NOW
thank God for his blessings
smiles to God
People should read this.
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There is a speck in everyone's eye, its just whether we realize it or not

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